Aventurile micuței Farfett / Little Farfett's Adventures. Basm. Ediție bilingvă română-engleză


Autor: Denisa Mihaela Iuga
ISBN 978-606-716-032-1

6,99 € 6.99 EUR 5,71 €

28,00 lei

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    Expediere: 7-21 zile lucrătoare

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    Little Farfett loves nature, and the adventures described in this book enhance her experience with the world of trees, flowers, bugs, fish and snakes.
    At the end of the story, Farfett has learnt to respect nature even more than before, to understand insects' life, to sense their needs and sufferings. During her journey Farfett also learns to fight for her dreams and to have the belief that everything is possible - all you need is a strong will.